South Asian Women with a Voice
I'm back with another blog post! I know I've written something similar before, but that was more personal whereas these women are public figures, so enjoy!
First off I wanted to let my readers know that I've finally launched my own
YouTube channel- Trisha K. Arora
so don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! Now on to the post...
Lately I've been doing some "Spring Cleaning" in terms of my life and I realized that no matter how much negativity you're surrounded by, you need to try your best to find the positives. Life's been a roller coaster, as it is for everyone so I wanted to shed some light on positive influences in my life (and the lives of many others). As I've said before, I didn't really have many role models growing up but these are some people who's work has truly inspired me over the past few years.
- She may have simply started off as a YouTuber but she's turned into an international celebrity and an inspiration for girls all over the world. She's met people like
and her idol
! I had the pleasure of interviewing Lilly a few years ago on my radio show and until this day she's one of the few who have made such a major impact on my life. At the time I was going through a rough patch that made me extremely depressed and just one meeting with Lilly changed that. I could tell that her motives and words were so genuine. After following her
for quite some time I've also seen that Lilly doesn't care what people think of her, some negative comments may get to her but she'll never let it show because she's a true unicorn (her fans will understand my reference). Superwoman is overall just such a positive person and career wise, she's made a name for herself despite the things and people trying to hold her back and that's something I aspire to do as well. Even after attaining so much success and even going on her own
, Lilly remains humble and seems to be the exact same person she was before she started her career as a YouTuber (except now she's a lot busier)

- the author of '
'- A series of poems in one powerful book. Rupi Kaur takes the reader through every single emotion you could possibly go through, even emotions you never knew existed. Through her work and social media, Kaur works to break through what society deems acceptable and create a new standard of thinking for both men and women. She has faced backlash to the point where pictures were
deleted off of her account by Instagram
because they were considered inappropriate although she was fully clothed on an online platform where some women feel the need to expose their bodies in a bikini on a daily basis. Women don't need to give into these "social norms" that the supposed modern society has created and there is no reason for the females in the world to be looked down upon. I truly respect Rupi's message and efforts, by doing what she has she's given me and countless other young women to never let peoples words or thoughts effect your views of yourself and that is a valuable lesson that I think everyone needs to learn.

- The host of OMNI's "
". Chail started off as a news reporter for OMNI TV and later on became a TV producer, news writer and entertainment host. It's great to see such a respected and stern South Asian woman in the media, where everyone is mostly male. I for one have seen that it is very difficult to get people to take you seriously in this industry and I'm very glad to see a successful woman who has paved the way and shown us that following your dreams really does pay off and that we can accomplish anything if we put our mind to it and work hard. Veronica is so great at what she does that she was named 'Person of the Year' by
in 2012and has succeeded in her dream of making Bollywood more accessible in Canada. Veronica Chail is someone who has made a name for herself

- Gurmeet is someone who I met when I was taking my first steps into the industry. She was the host of '
' on Jus Punjabi where for the first time I was the interviewee instead of the interviewer and now she's the woman behind PTC Punjabi North America Seeing the way she works in front of the camera and behind the scenes, I could see how dedicated she was to not only her work as a TV personality but as a parent and businesswoman. Gurmeet was also invited to The White House and got a chance to meet the Obamas! Every time I work with her I learn more and more and she just has so much passion for her work that no matter how busy she is she rarely seems stressed. Gurmeet has been a great mentor since I met her when I was about 17 and what I love most is that I can speak to her about anything whether it's work or my personal life and I know that I will get the most genuine advice from her.

- Ayesha is the Editor and Publisher of the extremely popular
. She is also a breast cancer survivor and aims to increase support within the South Asian community for those who have suffered or are suffering from this disease and to do that, she's putting her platform to great use. A lot of people, including myself, catch a cold and complain that we're not able to get out of bed but I really respect Ayesha because she chose to work hard every single day and not only run the magazine, but also continue to make it successful AND throw fundraising events. We always hear that women are powerful but Ayesha Hakki truly proves that to us and that's why she is definitely someone I look up to.

Role models can greatly impact any one's lives and truly inspire them like these four women have done for me. I really hope that I can empower young women one day like they do. These are just a few of the women I have had the pleasure of learning about and meeting in some cases who have brought positivity and motivation into my life when I desperately needed it. Hope you all enjoyed the post!