All Over The Place
I haven't really done anything exciting lately to be completely honest. The semester started so I've been going to class and working, and of course going doing Bhangra Beats every weekend. Since the summer's over my life is back to normal if not more hectic. This week my biggest problem has been trying not to procrastinate and getting my paper on Syria done on time, but I'm struggling and writing this blog post instead.

By the way, did I mention that I'M GOING TO CALIFORNIA?! Yeah, I got booked to host Bhangra State of Mind in Sacramento, California on November 9th and I'm SO excited. I've never been to the West coast so I kind of just want to get there already. Also, I've never really traveled alone before.
I have to admit my dad was pretty mad when I booked this gig behind his back, but if I didn't he would have never agreed since I'll be going to Boston Bhangra the weekend after to celebrate my 21st birthday on November 16th. Everyone who knows me knows that my past few birthdays have been pretty crappy but I plan on making this one fantastic. Cali on the 9th, Boston on the 16th, NYC on the 23rd and then my little cousins sweet 16 on the 29th. It's going to be a hectic but amazing month.
But back to the present, I really don't know how to find sources for this paper. Since the issue with Obama trying to go into Syria is pretty recent I can't find any credible sources. Also, I can't decide which suit to wear to a wedding that I have to go to this weekend. Patiala or Anarkali? FINALLY I have normal problems like everyone else.
Another thing I wanted to mention is the fact that someone who I thought was really close to me has recently been going behind my back talking crap, considering me as "competition" even though they've practically known me since I was born. It hurts to see someone act like that, specially when I considered this person a member of my family. But I was wrong so oh well. I have many other people in my life who genuinely support me and don't act like fake immature little children even though they're grown adults. Someone who's interested into getting started in the industry emailed me a couple of weeks ago which absolutely made my day, and unfortunately I think I had way too many negative things to say about this industry. You really have to have thick skin and not let anything get to you because you never know what you'll end up dealing with in this field. People are selfish and mean, but seriously, just live your life, have fun, and in my case do a lot of bhangra and everything will just fall into place. No matter how tough things are just keep smiling, it'll get you a lot farther than you think. And I'm not sure how religious or spiritual everyone is, but a trip to the gurudwara really puts me in a better mood and gives me the strength to fight any battle that may come my way. Whether it's listening to kirtan in the morning in the morning, or doing ardaas or simply just wearing the khanda pendant every day, now I feel as though so matter how tough things get, Waheguru will always be by my side and help through every single situation.
One more lesson, never tell employers when you're applying for a job that you can work early mornings because waking up at 5am for a 6am shift is absolutely killing me, and my weekends.
Last but not least, good luck to everyone who's just started school, college or uni! And if anyones going to be at Bhangra State of Mind, Boston Bhangra, Or Bhangra in the City on November 23rd at Pranna tweet or FB me! I'd love to meet you guys and I'd love to have anyone who supports me join me to celebrate my 21st birthday :)