Working to break gender and cultural stereotypes, Trisha K. Arora is a driven young woman with a passion for two things: her culture and the media. Both being major aspects in Trisha’s life she combines both to create the perfect balance. Trisha is an Indian girl at heart with an American touch. As a writer, TV & radio personality, event coordinator, host, MC and Youtuber, her scintillating personality combined with her enthusiasm and wit come together to entertain audiences of all sizes, ages and communities.


A Week Gone to Waste

A Week Gone to Waste

This week I've really been struggling with my writing. It's been about a month since I started posting blogs 3x a week and I've been pretty proud of myself so far. This past week has been full of emotions and stress for reasons I don't even fully understand myself. I guess sometimes emotions get built up and get the best of me. Writing has always been my outlet, a way to vent my frustrations but there are some feelings and emotions that can't necessarily be put into words. I've allowed myself to fall behind on a few things which is absolutely unacceptable, but I hadn't found the motivation to get back on my feet until just now. The majority of this week has been wasted by me trying to take charge of my emotions and since today is Friday, I decided it would be best for me to get my sh*t together before this hectic weekend begins. Hopefully as time goes on I'll be able to learn more ways to keep myself on track and not let my emotions get in the way.  As I continue to write these blog posts, please feel free to contact me with any topics you would like for me to talk about on this blog! Not only does it give me more ideas, but it challenges me as a writer and helps me understand what everyone would like to read about! I'll also be coming out with pieces on other online publications I'm affiliated with very soon, so be sure to keep checking social media for links to those pieces as well as future posts on this site!

Thanks for the support everyone :)

The Struggle

The Struggle

Tips for Holi!

Tips for Holi!