Farmers Protest Part 3. How Can We Help?
DISCLAIMER: I am aware that there are multiple opinions regarding this topic. This is just my point of view and some may agree, but some may not. If you disagree please feel free to stop reading at any time. If my facts are not correct, please feel free to reach out with the correct facts (evidence included please). No negativity or vulgarity will be tolerated. This is just part one of a multiple post series regarding various aspects of this topic.
In my previous two posts on this topic I briefly summarized the reason for the protests and what the farmers are currently facing. Once I personally came to know about what exactly was going on I was quick to ask “What can I do to help?” and I’m sure others may have the same question.
Spread the word. Our generation has something that no other generation before us has had and that is social media. Despite censorship on various platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, these are great platforms to share our knowledge and spread the word. Without these platforms its very possibly that celebrities like Rihanna would have never even heard about this cause. Please keep sharing whatever information you can using the hashtags #FarmersProtest #KisaanEktaZindabaad #KisaanMajdoorEktaZindabaad and #IStandWithFarmers. We are very fortunate to have multiple resources available to us and should use them wisely. Some resources include , , . You can also follow @SikhExpo and many other pages on Instagram. If there’s more I should include in this list please let me know in the comments.
Donate to charities assisting at protest sites if possible such as Khalsa Aid or Sahaita. It will help them help the farmers with any basic items they may need. If you have family or friends who can assist in providing aid please reach out to them as well.
Reach out to officials and politicians. Teach them about these protests and encourage them to also bring awareness to the cause. Encourage them to publicly support our farmers. Not only will they get the word across to other communities, but it will show those who are trying to oppress the farmers that they are on the wrong side of this fight.
Protest. We also have the right to peaceful protest. If there are any rallies or protests in your area please join if you can. Making noise at this time is crucial to show our solidarity with the farmers and spread the word. Inform local media outlets of these peaceful protests and please, keep them peaceful. Also don’t forget to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.
Side Note: I’m sure most of us are aware that there are sometimes different agendas brought in to these protests and during this fight as a whole. I understand that people have gone suffered through multiple decades of pain and injustice, but right now the farmers need this more urgently than ever, It’s not about what color flag we hold, or which slogans we chant outside the embassy, its about being united for the farmers and at this time UNITY is our most valuable asset so lets please not forget that. If the oppressors see us taking things in different directions, it could take away from the potential impact we can make.
Our community, our families have been suffering for months on the cold streets while we are in the comfort of our own homes. I know many others like me wish we could be there as well, but there is also plenty we can do from where we are. So, let’s keep fighting until these laws are taken back. #KisaanEktaZindabaad